Thursday 14 July 2011

Mini Issues: Appearance of Youths

I was just wondering if anyone else worries about the younger generation and the way they're heading.
What I usually ended up resembling after a raid in Mums makeup bag :P

I'm 17 so I'm in that category, yet I think people even younger than me are growing up way too fast.

When I was in the earlier part of my secondary education (11-14) I never fretted over makeup and labels. Of course I dabbled with my mums makeup, but in no way was it part of my daily routine.

But these days you'll see girls as young as eleven with a full face of makeup, skillfully applied too! Hair straightened and preened and general appearance fit to attend a modelling competition not a double period of Science.

When I was in sec school I carried a Just Do It Bag (Nike) and so did everyone else. Everyone had to have one of those and whether it fit in your school books or bended them beyond recognition was no general concern.
The one I had :) Before it got crinkled in the wash ;(
Nowadays its all about handbags, and quite expensive ones too.

I don't even have one :/ Its about £30. More than double price of the schoolbag I used :0

These days I can't even differentiate a nineteen year old from a fifteen year old these days. Clothes are acc to size not age and you'll easily see a 11 year old wearing something suitable (in my  eyes anyway) for someone my age. From bellytops to "batty riders" (really short shorts) and burlesque styled tights its astonishing what girls these days are wearing.

But let me not focus too much on one gender.
While fashion for young girls increases in sluttiness, boys increase with price. Trainers, hoodies and caps are far more expensive than mini skirts and plimsols. I find it worrying when boys my age and younger fret over the value of how much their clothes are worth. I've personally heard of many cases where boys would do all sorts of fraudulent scams so they could afford designer clothes and expensive gadgets when they're lagging behind rent payments and cant maintain their cars(bought on student loans at times).
Its pitiful really.

Does the appearance and increasing materialism of my generation and younger concern anyone esle?
Comments please...


  1. we live in a world where individuals of all ages, genders and races are insecure. Insecurity breeds a miss-guided value system which (for no better word) forces children and pre-teens to place all their self worth and personal esteem on the design of their polo top and the colour of the soles of their footwear ! i personally believe the home is where morals and a good value system should be cultivated but there is an obvious lack of such activity. All i pray is my generation teach the next that you are worth much more than a leather belt encrusted with two 'G's

    1. This is very true, thanks for your insight into it!
      its a big shame that the importance of a secure traditional family setting is now being undermined, as this would make people more confident and would place less emphasis on buying stuff to gain confidence

    2. You make a lot of valid points - as one so young I am really proud that you are able to construct the points in a manner in which those of us who are older can even relate - particularly for young females - style is essential and a lot of brands are constantly trying to target the youth market.

      Keep it up hun you will go far xxx

  2. LOOOOOL, some funny stuff here. Hope to see more soon! :)
